Khaleelur Rahman's Project Portfolio Page

Project: JobFestGo

JobFestGo is a desktop application built for job event planners in Singapore to keep track of details for their events.

JobFestGo can aid event planning process in the following ways:

  • Stores information about events, and their associated contacts and tasks
  • Keeps track of upcoming task deadlines
  • Associate contacts with roles for future reference

JobFestGo streamlines the process of event planning, supercharges productivity and helps job event planners get things done on time.

Given below are my contributions to the project:

  • Enhancements implemented: In charge of creating the bulk of the backend processes, along with changing hints of the model provided in AB3 to streamline to the product.
    1. Implemented the add_tag feature
      • What it does: Allows the user to add tags (which are roles of the contact) into JobFestGo.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product as it provides the user a way to associate the contacts with their roles for an event.
      • Highlights: This enhancement adds a new command along with its associated classes to JobFestGo. This enhancement was challenging as there was a need to refactor certain parts of the JobFestGo model to enable association of contacts with only pre-existing tags.
    2. Implemented the delete_event feature
      • What it does: Allows the user to delete an event.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product as it provides the user a way to delete their events once completed or no longer needed.
    3. Implemented the add_task feature
      • What it does: Allows the user to create task for an event with a deadline.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product as it provides the user a way to keep track of the tasks for an event with ease.
      • Highlights: This enhancement was extremely challenging as there was a need to implement the associated classes for both tasks and events. Multiple bugs arose due to the complexity of the implementation. However, after multiple debugging sessions, the feature was successfully implemented.

  • Contributions to the UG:
    • Did up multiple sections which describe the features of JobFestGo. These include:
      • Adding a tag : add_tag section
      • Deleting an event : delete_event section
      • Adding a task : add_task section
    • Added a Table of Contents section
    • Added few FAQs under the FAQ section
    • Added a Known Issues section and added solutions to the issues
    • Added screenshots of the GUI for multiple commands such as view_events, view_contacts etc.

  • Contributions to the DG:
    • Did up the implementation of add_tag feature, detailing the thought process and considerations
    • Added sequence and activity diagrams for add_tag feature
    • Amended user stories section to fit the target audience
    • Added user stories, use cases and instructions for manual testing for add_tag, delete_event and add_task commands
    • Edited the UML diagrams for Model and UI Components
    • Added a Planned Enhancements section for future implementations

  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Set task-based deadlines and meetings for various milestones
    • Sent regular to-dos for the team to be on track and be aware of what is to be done
    • Added test cases and sample data for code that is beyond those that are authored by me
    • Maintained issue tracker of some issues(Issue 1, Issue 2)

  • Review/mentoring contributions:
    • Reviewed and merged several pull requests for other team members. Some of the PRs reviewed include:

  • Contributions beyond the project team:
    • Reviewed a different group's project during PE-D: PE-D Bugs.