Project: JobFestGo

JobFestGo is a desktop application built for job event planners in Singapore to manage contacts and tasks for their events.

Features of JobFestGo include:

  • Adding contacts
  • Adding events
  • Adding tasks
  • Reminders for tasks

It is a management tool meant to assist you in effectively, efficiently managing your tasks and contacts for events.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Improved the add_contact feature
      • What it does: allows the user to add contacts into JobFestGo with optional tag.
      • Justification: Improved the feature to only allow tags that have already been added to JobFestGo for filter by tag feature.
    • Implemented the add_event feature
      • What it does: allows the user to add an event.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product as it provides the user a way to add their events to keep track of their upcoming/past events.
      • Highlights: This enhancement adds a new class to JobFestGo. This enhancement was challenging as there was a need to refactor certain parts of contact class to use for event class to minimize code duplication.
    • Implemented the reminder feature
      • What it does: reminds the users on tasks that are due within the next 3 days when they start up JobFestGo.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product as it provides the user a way to be reminded of their upcoming tasks so as to not forget completing them on time.
      • Highlights: Figuring out the logic to implement this feature was challenging as there was a need to check if the task is due within the next 3 days and if the task is not marked as done using a new predicate.

  • Contributions to the UG:

    • Did up the add_contact feature
    • Did up the add_event feature
    • Did up the navigating the UI section of the UG
    • Did up the target audience section of the UG
    • Replaced screenshots to match JobFestGo UI
    • Used boxes to show warnings of destructive commands to warn users
    • Reviewed and proof-read the UG, checking to see if it appeared as it seems on the website

  • Contributions to the DG:

    • Fixed the existing PlantUML diagrams such as Model & UI diagrams to make it neater.
    • Did up the add_contact feature as well as its use-cases
    • Did up the implementation section for the add_event feature and its use-cases, detailing the thought process
    • Dedicated time to pick up the syntax and features of PlantUML to optimize our diagrams for neatness and readability

  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Set up issues on Github and assigned to individuals for issues-tracking
    • Set up labels on Github for issues-tracking
    • Set up milestones v1.2 and v1.2b on Github for deadline-tracking
    • Update project notes on v1.2 post mortem
    • Updating of user guide's screenshots, navigating UI and target audience section
    • Refactored codebase to modify all AB3 hints to JobFestGo - eg. from AddressBook to JobFestG
    • Added automated test-cases to aid in regression testing of our product

  • Contributions beyond the project team:
    I have assisted in finding multiple bugs for the product of another team. Here are some bugs I have found while doing extensive testing of their product: